Traveling can be an exciting way to experience various places all over the world. It’s wonderful to travel – visit new places, meet new people, experience different cultures and see how life is lived somewhere else. Exploring new destinations via a road trip or hopping on a plane can be a rewarding experience.

Traveling with a pet can be especially rewarding and fun when researched and planned accordingly. First and foremost, you need to research how pet friendly the destination is. If pets are prohibited or discouraged, try finding a more suitable alternative. If the destination is pet friendly, the fun can begin! Research pet friendly accommodations, transportation and if there are any restrictions or requirements that the destination might have. Many airlines and hotels have very specific guidelines regarding pet travel, its imperative to check those out prior to scheduling your trip.

When it comes to successful pet traveling, there are some things to consider ahead of time to help keep you and your pet’s stress to a minimum and your fun at a maximum!

  • Carrier – you want to choose a carrier that is of a good quality, breathable and keeps your pet safe during travel.
  • Acclimation – whether you’re traveling via a car or airplane, your pet’s first time in the carrier shouldn’t be the day of travel. Practice a couple times prior to traveling. Allow your pet to smell and go in and out of the carrier on its own for a good amount of time prior to traveling. This will help lessen the anxiety with containment.
  • Car Travel – if your pet is traveling in a carrier in the car, make sure there is plenty of airflow surrounding the carrier to not allow your pet to get overheated. If your pet is too large for a carrier, use a safety restraint to keep your pet secure in case of an accident. You’ll want to plan for rest stop breaks to allow your pet time outside the carrier to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom and/or get something to drink. It’s never a good idea to leave your pet in the car alone even for a short stop. See if a friend or family member can come along to help with pet care.
  • Flight Travel – check your airline’s guidelines prior to travel. Make sure the carrier is TSA approved. If the pet must travel in the cargo area, the carrier must be secure and labeled with contact information in case of emergencies.
  • Supplies – depending on the length of your trip, you’ll need to make sure to pack enough supplies for the duration. A leash, food, water, prepackaged snacks, medications, some toys to keep them occupied and waste disposal bags are some of the most essential.
  • Health Check – it is a good idea to check with your pet’s veterinarian prior to traveling regarding health recommendations. Vaccinations should be up to date and a copy should accompany you and your pet during the duration of your travel. Consider microchipping for added security in case you and your pet get separated. Your pet’s age, health and ability to handle stress can all affect how well they’ll do while traveling. If your pet tends to stress easily, there are calming medications and treats that can be prescribed.
  • Pet Accommodations – if you plan on staying overnight on your travels, you’ll need to research the pet policies prior to booking your stay. Some accommodations have restrictions on pet size or breed and may have an added pet fee.
  • Pet Etiquette – it’s essential to be mindful of others when traveling with your pet. Pets need to be kept on a leash or carrier, clean up whatever mess they make and be respectful of other travelers’ space and comfort.

Traveling with your pet can be a great bonding experience for you both. However, there are some instances that it might be best to leave your pet at home – if your pet is older and has ailments such as difficulty seeing or hearing; or if being in new places and seeing strangers will cause high anxiety. Stressful situations are neither fun for you nor your pet.

If you determine that traveling is an adventure you’d like to try with your pet, careful research and planning can ensure that you have a great time wherever the destination may be. If you’re looking for any supplies, RuffDawg makes a great rubber bowl that is perfect for home, outdoors or travel. You can find it here.